Tuesday, May 11

Who Killed the Camera Man?

It has been about a month after Hiro Muramoto, cameraman for Reuters, was killed in Thailand and no one knows who shot him. The government will not disclose any information about who killed him because it will put negative attitudes toward the country. The only problem is that by not saying who it is, they are already making themselves look bad.

Muramoto was 43 years old and a citizen of Japan. He was a cameraman for Reuters Tokyo for 15 years until he went to Bangkok to report on anti-government protests where he was shot in the head.

This shows that while Japan may be free and "safe" to conduct media activities, there are always going to be dangers within the industry. No one is safe when they leave their home country to report news.

To read this article, click here

Saturday, May 1

Japan's Global Brands

Japan has a lot of different global brands that are known around the world. Japan is famous for its cars and electronics.

Here is a list of some of Japan's top global companies:
  • Toyota
  • Honda
  • Sony
  • Canon
  • Nintendo
Here is a lost of other companies that are known around the world:
  • Panasonic
  • Nissan
  • Toshiba
  • Sharp
  • Nikon
  • Olympus
  • Yamaha
  • Casio
  • Epson